Investments & Assets
Here are some important questions that Monadnock Retirement Solutions will answer to help you make this part of your Personal Retirement Plan.
What’s my Employer-sponsored 401 (k) balance look like today?
What will my Employer Pension Plan pay me on Retirement?
I just lost 30-40% of my retirement in the crash what can I do?
How much of your personal monthly is guaranteed — not stock market driven.
What other assets do I have?
Personal IRAs, CDs, 403(b)s, Savings Accounts
Personal (non-retirement) Stocks and Bonds
My Home — Is it paid for in full?
Other Real Estate (e.g., land, rentals, commercial)
Valuable Artwork or Antiques
My Rental or Business Income
Are you paying your advisor too much?
Is my return on investment to low for the risk I’m taking?
Should I start to learning about Crypto Assets?